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Школа или Экология? Что является причиной ухудшающегося здоровья детей?

Тема в разделе "Наши материалы", создана пользователем Главный по движению, 2 июн 2015.

  1. Главный по движению

    Главный по движению Administrator Команда форума

    Что является причиной ухудшающегося здоровья детей?

    Многие скажут, что плохое состояние здоровья у современных детей следствие плохой экологии, искусственного питания или возросшего давления техносферы. Безусловно, отрицать их влияние было бы неразумно, но взгляните на эти высказывания специалистов столетней давности, которых можно ещё привести не одну сотню.

    О том, что переход детей на «седалищный» тип образования вызвал глубокие дегенеративные процессы в телесной и духовно-психической конституции молодых людей заметили и начали бить в набат тревоги еще на заре всеобуча. В частности, Гарвардский врач Эдвард Кларк еще в 1873 году писал: «причиной разрушения детородных способностей и даже бесплодия молодых женщин является методика школьного образования и, прежде всего, оформившийся за время обучения синдром «тщедушности телес».

    А вот как об этом говорил на первом всемирном конгрессе по школьной гигиене, состоявшемся в 1904 году в Нюрнберге доктор Земерод (из Богемии): «Часто страшно бывает взглянуть на шестилетнего ребенка, поступающего в школу. В лице ни кровинки, весь организм достиг крайней степени истощения. Восьмилетнее пребывание в школе отражается очень вредно на здоровье этих слабых существ. Прежде 14-летняя девушка была сильна, хорошо развита... настоящая невеста. Теперь это слабая, худощавая и бледная девочка с худенькими ручонками и тоненькими ногами. Таковы же и мальчики».

    Даже простой пересказ подобных заключений занял бы не одну главу монографии. О том, что с поступлением детей в школу с их телесным и умственным развитием разворачиваются запредельные процессы, первыми почувствовали и обратились со специальным обращением к Государю нижегородские дворяне: «Школа возвращает родителям детей, отданных в нее здоровыми,- изуродованных, кривобоких, близоруких, ни к чему не способных, ничего не знающих, преждевременно стареющих».

    Евгений Сидоров

    #УчимсяСтоя #РаботаемСтоя #Живёмвдвижении


  2. MarionPut

    MarionPut New Member

    An Attraction regarding Premium Style
    Dress fans as well as luxury consumers often discover themselves fascinated by an grace and status regarding premium style. Starting with a detailed aspects of a Hermes Birkin to an iconic style of one Chanel 2.55, these particular items signify more than just just dress—these individuals represent a good certain standing as well as exclusivity. Nonetheless, certainly not everyone else may have the funds for to shell out with these premium items, that will has brought to an increasing pattern regarding fake purses. With regard to many, these fakes offer an approach up to enjoy the elegance concerning high fashion designs with out damaging the traditional bank.
    A rise in appeal concerning replica bags offers opened up an intriguing dialogue regarding fashion, honesty, and exclusive style. Within this blog post, most of us can investigate a different aspects of some sort of trend, offering fashion aficionados along with one comprehensive handbook for imitation purses. Simply by a end, you can have an information in order to help make informed judgments that line up with ones prices and looks.
    Honorable as well as Legitimate Factors regarding Fake Purses
    When that relates to replica bags, just one concerning a most pressing problems will be the moral as well as legitimate effects. A production and purchase concerning fake items are illegal within a lot of nations, while it breaches intellectual property rights. This specific not just has an effect on the income of luxury brands but additionally raises inquiries about a conditions beneath which usually those imitations are produced.
    Fashioning & Incorporating Imitation Purses
    Including fake handbags into a collection can prove both trendy stylish & moral. A single approach would be to combine top-quality fakes with authentic real articles & additional sustainable eco-friendly fashion pieces. This doesn't only enhance improves one's total style but also additionally promotes promotes an eco-friendly fashion trend.
    Whenever fashioning replica handbags, consider the setting and a outfit. A traditional replica handbag may add an element element of elegance for a a dressy outfit, whilst a fashionable pattern could turn a relaxed style more stylish. Don't be scared to try w/different diverse trends and add-ons to create a unique plus tailored style.
    Moreover, taking care of your replica bags is key key to preserve their condition & durability. Routine washing and proper keeping could assist keep one's handbags appearing fresh & fashionable for longer.
    The significance Value of knowledgeable Customer Decisions
    In today's modern apparel landscape, knowledgeable consumer choices are more more important important than ever. While imitation handbags give a cost-effective alternative to luxury luxury items, it is key to reflect on the principled & lawful implications. By staying mindful about where and & how one buys fakes, you can can relish luxury apparel whilst staying loyal to your principles.
    It’s equally essential to keep in mind that personal taste is not defined by the brand names or price price tags. Whether or not you you opt to invest in authentic genuine high-end items or check out explore the domain of fake bags, the ultimate goal is finding to find pieces that help make you confident and stylish.
    Final Thoughts

    Fake handbags carved out a distinct distinct niche in the apparel universe, providing a cost-effective and attainable option to luxury designer goods. While they come arrive with their own their own set of of ethical
    Associated Fashion Themes
    Discovering the realm of style doesn't end with copy purses. Here are some further related topics that may intrigue you:
    Green Fashion
    Delve into the significance of green practices in the style industry. Understand about eco-friendly fabrics, moral fabrication techniques, and how to create a green wardrobe.
    Classic and Thrift Fashion
    Explore the charm of vintage and pre-owned apparel. Learn how to source high-quality retro pieces, the benefits of second-hand style, and suggestions for integrating these pieces into your contemporary closet.
    DIY Style and Upcycling
    Become creative with DIY fashion projects and recycling previous clothes. Acquire hands-on guidance on changing your closet by creating your own adornments or personalizing existing pieces to grant them a new life.
    Apparel on a Budget
    Discover how to remain trendy without breaking the savings. Uncover tips for securing fantastic bargains, purchasing shrewdly during sales, and making the most of your fashion budget.
    Minimalist Wardrobes
    Grasp the idea of a capsule collection—creating a collection of important, versatile items that can be mixed and coordinated to form different ensembles. Analyze the advantages of this simple method and how to adopt it.
    Style Tendencies and Projecting
    Keep forward of the movement by discovering future style tendencies and industry predictions. Discover about pioneering fashionistas, pivotal style events, and the newest must-have items.
    Fashion and Innovation
    Explore how innovation is transforming the apparel sector. Subjects involve intelligent textiles, virtual fitting rooms, apparel tools, and the effect of online platforms on style promotion and consumer behavior.
    Physique Positivity and Apparel
    Examine the relationship between apparel and physique confidence. Understand about companies advocating all-encompassing sizing, the importance of inclusion in style media, and how to style for different shapes.
    Apparel History
    Take a exploration through the legacy of style. Discover various times, legendary fashion moments, and how earlier fashions remain to shape current apparel.
    Fashion Photography and Writing
    Explore into the universe of apparel photography and writing. Gain tips on how to get amazing apparel shots, begin your own style website, and increase your presence online.

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